Terms & Conditions


A. Conditions of Sale

B. Privacy Policy

A. Conditions of Sale

These terms and conditions are established between Boasafra, Lda, headquartered at Rua 28 de Janeiro, 350 Candal Park - Fração S-19, 4400-335 Vila Nova de Gaia, with a share capital of 5.000, registered with the CRC of Vila Nova de Gaia under the tax and legal person identification number 509054374, hereinafter referred to as the Interior Guider brand, and any natural person of legal age or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the "User") wishing to purchase products sold by Interior Guider (hereinafter referred to as the "Products") through the website www.interiorguider.com.

Product orders will be dispatched to mainland Portugal, in accordance with the terms set out in these general terms and conditions of sale. If the User lives outside mainland Portugal and wishes to make a delivery, they should send an e-mail to info@interiorguider.com requesting additional information. Both parties agree that the relationship between them will be governed exclusively by the general conditions of sale described in this document, written in Portuguese and always accessible to Users through the website www.interiorguider.com.

Article 1 Object

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to establish the general terms and conditions of sale between Interior Guider and the User, covering everything from placing an order to the various services provided by Interior Guider, including payment methods and product delivery conditions.
These conditions regulate all the steps required to place an order.

Article 2 Order

The User can place their order online via the website www.interiorguider.com. To place the order, the User will need to register on the website, providing some personal details, such as name, address, etc. The User must fill in all the required fields on the registration form. Only Users of legal age (natural persons) or legal entities may create an account on the www.interiorguider.com website.
Validation of the order implies that the User has read and expressly accepts these general terms and conditions of sale, which are available for consultation at www.interiorguider.com, as well as the prices and description of the products on offer.
After completing the purchase, the User will receive an automatic e-mail confirming the transaction. If the data provided is incorrect, the User can immediately request a change or even cancel the order.
If the product is not available, Interior Guider undertakes to inform the User and reimburse any amounts paid, within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days from the date on which it becomes aware of the unavailability.
Under the terms of Decree-Law no. 7/2004, of January 7 (as amended by Decree-Law no. 62/2009, of March 10, and Law no. 46/2012, of August 29), regarding electronic commerce, Interior Guider reserves the right to unilaterally cancel the order whenever there is a programming error, failure in the operation of Interior Guider's systems, or if the contractual proposal is transmitted incorrectly, the error being related to an essential element of the contract.

Article 3 Delivery

3.1 Delivery costs

The cost of shipping is calculated when the User selects the products and provides the delivery address.

Attention! Before delivery, make sure that the dimensions of the openings (doors, stairs, elevators) allow the package to pass through. If delivery is not possible for these reasons, the user will be entirely responsible for the additional transportation and Interior Guider cannot be held liable.

3.2 Procedure on receipt of products

At the time of delivery, the User must check the external condition of the packaging and sign the delivery note/receipt, noting any anomalies with the carrier (e.g. damaged packaging, missing packages, etc.). If such anomalies are not reported at the time of delivery, Interior Guider cannot be held responsible, except in situations of intent, serious fault or manufacturing defect.
The User must inspect the quality and quantity of the products received as soon as possible, opening the packaging and checking for damage or missing items.
In order for Interior Guider to be able to activate the contracted insurances, any damage or discrepancy must be reported by e-mail within 7 days of receipt of the products.

3.3. Modalidade de Entrega
Entrega ao Domicílio
● Entrega padrão: A encomenda será entregue na morada indicada pelo Utilizador no momento da compra.
● As entregas são realizadas por diferentes transportadoras e poderão ser agendadas para uma data específica, com um prazo mínimo de 4 horas de antecedência.
● Se o Utilizador não estiver presente no momento da entrega, será deixado um aviso de tentativa de entrega ou enviado um SMS com instruções para reagendamento.
A transportadora não está obrigada a colocar os produtos em divisões específicas dentro da habitação, limitando-se a entregá-los à entrada da mesma.

Important: Deliveries are only made within Portugal. We do not ship abroad.

3.4 Order tracking
Users can track the status of their order directly on www.interiorguider.com.

3.5 Delivery time
Delivery time depends on the availability of each product. In general, the maximum period is 60 days.
In situations where the product is temporarily unavailable, the deadline may be longer, provided that the User has been informed in advance and has consented to the purchase with this knowledge.
The same applies to products manufactured to order, where the User will be clearly informed of the estimated delivery time.

3.6 Installation
For orders over €1,000, Interior Guider can provide a quote for installation. To request this service, send an e-mail to info@interiorguider.com.
If installation is contracted to Interior Guider, it will be responsible for assembling the products purchased.
In cases where the installation service is not contracted to Interior Guider:
● Interior Guider is not responsible for the installation or assembly of the products sold.
The User must, if necessary, contract these services directly from a third party of their choice.
Any installation or assembly carried out without the intervention of Interior Guider shall be the sole responsibility of the User.

Artigo 4. Formas de Pagamento

A Interior Guider disponibiliza ao Utilizador várias opções de pagamento:

● Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express)
This payment method is only valid for online purchases. The order and card details will be transmitted securely and encrypted to the financial institution when the purchase is completed.
Google Pay
If you choose this method, the amount of the order will be debited at checkout.

Artigo 5. Preços

Os preços apresentados estão em euros e incluem todas as taxas e impostos aplicáveis. Os preços indicados consideram o IVA vigente na data da fatura. Quaisquer alterações na taxa de IVA serão refletidas nos preços dos produtos.
Os preços anunciados no site www.interiorguider.com não incluem as despesas de envio, as quais serão informadas ao Utilizador antes da validação final da encomenda.
Os preços e as especificações dos produtos estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio. No entanto, uma vez validada a encomenda, os preços não poderão ser alterados.

Article 6 Returns

6.1 Right of withdrawal
The User may exercise their right to freely terminate the contract, as provided for in Decree-Law no. 24/2014, of February 14.
To exercise this right, the User must notify Interior Guider of their decision to terminate the contract by email to info@interiorguider.com, using the "Free Termination" template available here.
The communication regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal must be sent to Interior Guider within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Products by the User or a third party indicated by the User.

De acordo com o artigo 17.o do Decreto-Lei n.o 24/2014, de 14 de fevereiro, o Utilizador não poderá exercer o direito de livre resolução em relação a determinados produtos, nomeadamente:
a) Produtos fabricados segundo as especificações do consumidor ou personalizados de forma evidente;
b) Artigos que, devido à sua natureza, não possam ser reenviados ou que sejam suscetíveis de deterioração ou expiração rápida;
c) Produtos selados que, por razões de higiene ou proteção da saúde, não sejam passíveis de devolução caso tenham sido abertos após a entrega;
d) Itens que, após a entrega, fiquem misturados de forma inseparável com outros produtos;
e)Gravações de áudio ou vídeo, bem como programas informáticos selados, cujo selo de inviolabilidade tenha sido removido pelo consumidor após a entrega;
f) Publicações periódicas, como jornais e revistas, salvo se forem adquiridas através de uma assinatura;
g) Conteúdos digitais fornecidos sem suporte físico, desde que:
● A sua utilização tenha início com o consentimento expresso do consumidor;

● The consumer recognizes that, by consenting, they lose their right of withdrawal.

The User may inspect the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product, as permitted in a commercial establishment. Any depreciation of the Product attributable to the User will be considered in the exercise of the right of withdrawal. All returned Products will be checked upon arrival at our service. If the returned Products are not in good condition, Interior Guider will take the necessary and admissible measures, as established in Decree-Law no. 24/2014, of February 14.

In the event of termination of this contract, the User must return the Products without undue delay and within a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which they informed Interior Guider of their decision to terminate the contract, together with the original invoice.
The return costs will be the sole responsibility of the User, who must always keep proof of dispatch of the Products.
The Products must be sent/returned to the addresses indicated by Interior Guider at the time the User exercises the right of withdrawal.
Once the above conditions have been verified, Interior Guider will reimburse the User for all amounts paid, including delivery costs. However, additional costs arising from the choice of a shipping method other than the cheapest standard option provided by Interior Guider are excluded. The refund will be made without undue delay and, in any event, within a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which Interior Guider is informed of the User's decision to withdraw from the contract. Interior Guider may withhold the refund until it receives the returned products or until the User provides proof that they have been sent. The process for returning the amount paid and the shipping costs is detailed in article 6.4 "Refunds".

All Products will be checked on arrival at our services and will only be accepted if they comply with the return conditions set out here.
Returns will not be accepted for Products that show signs of wear, misuse or any damage that has caused a defect or malfunction (e.g. a fall, humidity, etc.). In addition, Products may not be returned if their depreciation prevents them from being resold as new,
including damage to outer packaging, wrapping or tamper-evident seals, without prejudice to the consumer goods guarantee provided for in Article 7.
The User must return the Product(s) exactly in the condition in which they received them, with no signs of use, in the complete original packaging and accompanied by the invoice and the duly completed return slip (initially supplied with the invoice).
If the Products have been delivered disassembled, they must be returned in the same condition. The return of Products sold by Interior Guider is the sole responsibility of the User, who must ensure that they are correctly sent and stored until they reach our services.
Interior Guider is not responsible for any damage, loss or other problems incurred during transportation, and the User must keep proof of return.

The Products must be sent to the address indicated by Interior Guider at the time the User expresses their intention to return them.
If the return includes all the Products purchased and the order entitled the User to a gift or offer, this must also be returned.
If a refund is requested for a Product purchased at a reduced price due to a promotion or special offer, Interior Guider will only refund the amount paid by the User, and not the original price of the Product.

A Interior Guider assumirá os custos de devolução e reenvio apenas nos seguintes casos:
● Se houver um erro interno e o Produto enviado não corresponder ao que foi encomendado.
● Se o Produto tiver sido danificado durante o transporte, desde que os danos visíveis sejam reportados imediatamente, assinalados na guia de transporte no momento da entrega e/ou devidamente fotografados.

6.2 Refunds
In cases where a refund is necessary, as provided for in articles 6.1, Interior Guider will make the refund by bank transfer, to the IBAN indicated by the customer.

Artigo 7. Garantia e Assistência Pós-Venda

De acordo com a legislação em vigor, os Produtos vendidos a consumidores (pessoa singular que adquira os produtos com fins não relacionados à sua atividade comercial, industrial, artesanal ou profissional) no site www.interiorguider.com estão cobertos por uma garantia legal de conformidade dos bens de consumo, conforme as seguintes condições:
● Um período de 2 (dois) anos para contratos celebrados até 31 de dezembro de 2021, conforme o Decreto-Lei n.o 67/2003, de 8 de abril;
● Um período de 3 (três) anos para contratos celebrados a partir de 1 de janeiro de 2022, conforme o Decreto-Lei n.o 84/2021, de 18 de outubro, exceto para bens em segunda mão, cujo prazo de garantia será de 18 (dezoito) meses.

In accordance with article 916 et seq. of the Civil Code, for Users who are not consumers, the complaint of a defect or lack of quality of the Product must be made within 30 days of the defect being identified, and within six months of delivery of the product. If the Product purchased is defective or malfunctions, the User must report the situation to Interior Guider's Customer Service, indicating the order number and the description of the defect or malfunction, via e-mail to info@interiorguider.com.
The User must contact Interior Guider through the channels indicated before sending the Product for evaluation.

The costs of returning or collecting the Products within the warranty period will be borne by Interior Guider.
Upon receipt of the Product at the address indicated by Interior Guider, it will be checked. If non-conformity is confirmed, the Product will be repaired or replaced if repair is not feasible. In this case, Interior Guider will send the repaired Product or the new Product to the address indicated by the User, free of charge.
The legal guarantee for consumer goods does not cover signs of wear and tear, misuse, or any damage attributable to the User which has caused the defect or malfunction of the Product (for example: falls, exposure to humidity, intervention by unauthorized technicians, etc.).
Pursuant to Article 21 of the aforementioned Decree-Law, Interior Guider informs Users that, for consumer goods, the producer is obliged to make the necessary repair parts available for a period of 10 years after the last unit of the respective good has been placed on the market.

Commercial warranty
Some products include a commercial guarantee offered by the manufacturer. Where applicable, this information will be clearly indicated on the product data sheet, and any claim relating to this warranty should be made directly to the manufacturer.
The commercial guarantee is without prejudice to the consumer rights provided for in Decree-Law 84/2021, of October 18.

Artigo 8. Aceitação

A validação do pedido de compra implica que o Utilizador tomou conhecimento e aceita, de forma expressa, as presentes Condições Gerais de Venda à Distância, que estão disponíveis para consulta no site www.interiorguider.com.
Os dados registados pela Interior Guider são considerados como prova das transações realizadas entre a Interior Guider e o Utilizador. A Interior Guider é responsável por arquivar o documento eletrónico que formaliza o contrato e garantir que ele permaneça acessível.

Artigo 9. Responsabilidade

Todos os Produtos comercializados no site www.interiorguider.pt estão em conformidade com a legislação portuguesa.

The validation of the purchase order implies that the User has taken note of and expressly accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Distance Selling, available for consultation on the website www.interiorguider.com. Without prejudice to Interior Guider's responsibilities in relation to the protection of personal data, Interior Guider shall not be liable for damages resulting from interference, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns or failures in the operating system, caused by events of force majeure, which may temporarily prevent access, navigation or the provision of services to the User.

Interior Guider shall not be held liable for any delay or impossibility of processing the order, particularly at the time of delivery, if this is due to an error or insufficiency of the data provided by the User. Likewise, Interior Guider cannot be held liable if the breach of its obligations is caused by an unforeseeable or insurmountable event on the part of third parties, or by force majeure, except in situations where there is willful misconduct or serious fault on the part of Interior Guider.
The Products sold are described and presented on www.interiorguider.pt as accurately as possible.
It is the User's sole responsibility to ensure that the information in their Customer account is correct and up to date, via the Customer Area on www.interiorguider.com or via our Customer Support service.

Article 10 Processing of Personal Data

Interior Guider (Boasafra,Lda), headquartered at Rua 28 de Janeiro, no 350 Candal Park - Fração S-19, 4400-335 Vila Nova de Gaia, with share capital of €5,000, registered with the CRC of Vila Nova de Gaia under the tax and legal person identification number 509054374, is responsible for processing the personal data of Users collected on the website www.interiorguider.pt.
For more information on how Users' personal data is processed, please consult Interior Guider's Privacy Policy, available at www.interiorguider.pt.

Article 11 Intellectual property

All elements of the Interior Guider website, including visuals, sound and the underlying technology, are protected by intellectual property rights (copyright, trademarks, patents) and are the exclusive property of Interior Guider.
Any reproduction or representation of all or part of the www.interiorguider.com website, or any of its elements, without the prior written permission of Interior Guider is strictly prohibited. Any violation may result in the use of appropriate legal means.
If the User has a personal website and wishes to place a simple hyperlink to the homepage of the Interior Guider website for personal use, prior authorization must be obtained from Interior Guider. This will in no way imply an implicit association of affiliation or partnership.
In addition, the use of framing or in-line linking techniques to create links to the Interior Guider website is expressly prohibited.
In all cases, any hyperlink, even if tacitly authorized, must be removed at Interior Guider's request.

Article 12 Full agreement

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale constitute the entire agreement between Interior Guider and the User.
The User who accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Distance Selling may choose to continue with the contract, even if some of the clauses are declared null and void, in which case the corresponding supplementary rules will apply and, if necessary, the rules for integrating legal transactions will be used.
In the event that the User does not exercise the option provided for in the previous paragraph or, in exercising it, this causes a serious imbalance in the benefits, damaging good faith, the system of reduction of the legal business will be applied ("Nullity or partial annulment does not invalidate the entire contract, unless it is proven that the business would not have been concluded without the vitiated part").

Article 13 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These General Distance Selling Conditions are governed by Portuguese law.
Any dispute arising from these conditions shall be settled in the competent court in Portugal.

Artigo 14.Resolução Alternativa de Litígios

Em caso de litígios originados por um consumidor contra a Interior Guider, relacionados com obrigações contratuais derivadas de contratos de compra e venda ou prestação de serviços celebrados entre a Interior Guider e consumidores residentes em Portugal, o consumidor pode recorrer a uma Entidade de Resolução de Litígios de Consumo.

Artigo 15. Reclamações

Para qualquer reclamação relacionada com o contrato celebrado com a Interior Guider, os Utilizadores poderão entrar em contato através do seguinte canal:
● E-mail: info@interiorguider.com
A Interior Guider disponibiliza, o Livro de Reclamações Eletrónico. Clique ( Aqui )

Last revision: 25/02/2025


B. Privacy Policy

1. Introdução

Esta Política de Privacidade explica como a Boa Safra Lda. (referida como “nós”, “nos” ou “nosso”) recolhe, processa e protege os dados pessoais dos utilizadores do website e clientes, em conformidade com o Regulamento Geral sobre a Proteção de Dados (RGPD) da UE (Regulamento (UE) 2016/679) e com a legislação portuguesa de proteção de dados.

2. Responsável pelo Tratamento de Dados & Informações de Contacto

O responsável pelo tratamento dos seus dados pessoais é:
Boa Safra Lda.
Rua 28 de Janeiro, no 35
Candal Park – Fração S-19
4400-335 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
NIF: 509054374
Email: info@boasafra.pt
Se tiver alguma dúvida sobre o tratamento dos seus dados, pode contactar-nos através do email info@boasafra.pt.

3. Dados Pessoais que Recolhemos

Recolhemos e tratamos os seguintes dados pessoais:

A. Data Provided Directly by You
● Name, e-mail address and telephone number
● Billing and shipping address
● Payment data (processed securely by a third party)
Account login credentials (for professionals)
Communications with customer service

B. Dados Recolhidos Automaticamente
● Endereço IP e identificadores do dispositivo
● Tipo de navegador, sistema operativo e dados de navegação no website
●Cookies e tecnologias de rastreamento (consulte a nossa Política de Cookies)

C. Data Obtained from Third Parties
Information from payment service providers
● Data from social networks (if you log in with a social account)

4. Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

Tratamos os seus dados pessoais com base nas seguintes justificações legais:
● Execução de contrato: Para processar encomendas e prestar serviços.
● Interesses legítimos: Apoio ao cliente, prevenção de fraude e melhoria dos serviços.
●Consentimento: Para marketing direto e cookies (pode retirar o seu consentimento a
qualquer momento).

5. Como Utilizamos os Seus Dados

Utilizamos os seus dados pessoais para:
● Processamento e entrega de encomendas
● Gestão de contas e apoio ao cliente
● Personalização da experiência no website e ações de marketing
● Cumprimento de obrigações legais (ex.: regulamentos fiscais e contabilísticos)

6. Retenção de Dados

Armazenamos os dados pessoais pelo período estritamente necessário:
● Registos de encomendas e apoio ao cliente: 5 anos (requisito legal)
● Comunicações de marketing: Até que retire o consentimento
● Registos fiscais e contabilísticos: 10 anos (requisito legal)

7. Partilha de Dados & Transferências Internacionais

Não vendemos os seus dados. No entanto, podemos partilhá-los com:
● Prestadores de serviços de pagamento
● Parceiros logísticos (empresas de transporte)
● Fornecedores de marketing e análise (Google, Meta, etc.)
Se os seus dados forem transferidos para fora da UE/EEE, garantimos conformidade através de
Cláusulas Contratuais-Tipo (SCCs) ou transferências para países com uma decisão de adequação da

8. Os Seus Direitos

Nos termos do RGPD, tem direito a:
● Aceder aos seus dados pessoais
● Retificar dados incorretos
● Apagar os seus dados (“Direito ao Esquecimento”)
● Restringir ou opor-se ao tratamento dos seus dados
● Retirar o consentimento para marketing a qualquer momento
● Solicitar a portabilidade dos seus dados
Para exercer estes direitos, contacte-nos através do email info@boasafra.pt.
Se acredita que os seus dados estão a ser tratados de forma ilícita, pode apresentar uma reclamação à:

National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) - https://www.cnpd.pt

9. Cookies & Rastreamento

Utilizamos cookies para funcionalidades do website e marketing. Consulte a nossa Política de Cookies para gerir as suas preferências.

10. Medidas de Segurança

Implementamos medidas de segurança reconhecidas no setor para proteger os seus dados contra acessos não autorizados, perda ou uso indevido.

11. Atualizações desta Política de Privacidade

Podemos atualizar esta política periodicamente. Quaisquer alterações serão publicadas nesta página com a data de “Última Atualização” atualizada.

Last revision: 25/02/2025